Dozen Rose Bouquet

from $79.00

Embrace simplicity and elegance with our Elegant Embrace bouquet, a curated selection of a dozen roses. Choose from a palette of colors including passionate red, serene cream, tender pink, joyful orange, enchanting lavender, or delicate blush, all accented with an ever-changing array of greenery and wrapped in complementing paper for a personalized touch.

Available for same day delivery or pickup in Columbia, SC when ordered by 1:00PM. If a special rose color is desired or you need more than one dozen, we kindly ask that you place your order at least 10 business days in advance to ensure availability.

For default arrangements, the designer's choice will guide the creation of your unique bouquet. Confirm your rose color preference in the special request form and let Meadow Edge Blooms craft an unforgettable token of beauty and care for your special moment.

Looking for a unique gift? Our dozen rose bouquet is available as a subscription for 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months. Each delivery can feature the color you choose, or let us surprise you with the freshest roses in stock. This makes a thoughtful, ongoing gift for someone special, with a beautiful bouquet arriving every month.

Available for Columbia, SC delivery or pickup.

from $79.00
from $73.47
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Embrace simplicity and elegance with our Elegant Embrace bouquet, a curated selection of a dozen roses. Choose from a palette of colors including passionate red, serene cream, tender pink, joyful orange, enchanting lavender, or delicate blush, all accented with an ever-changing array of greenery and wrapped in complementing paper for a personalized touch.

Available for same day delivery or pickup in Columbia, SC when ordered by 1:00PM. If a special rose color is desired or you need more than one dozen, we kindly ask that you place your order at least 10 business days in advance to ensure availability.

For default arrangements, the designer's choice will guide the creation of your unique bouquet. Confirm your rose color preference in the special request form and let Meadow Edge Blooms craft an unforgettable token of beauty and care for your special moment.

Looking for a unique gift? Our dozen rose bouquet is available as a subscription for 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months. Each delivery can feature the color you choose, or let us surprise you with the freshest roses in stock. This makes a thoughtful, ongoing gift for someone special, with a beautiful bouquet arriving every month.

Available for Columbia, SC delivery or pickup.

Embrace simplicity and elegance with our Elegant Embrace bouquet, a curated selection of a dozen roses. Choose from a palette of colors including passionate red, serene cream, tender pink, joyful orange, enchanting lavender, or delicate blush, all accented with an ever-changing array of greenery and wrapped in complementing paper for a personalized touch.

Available for same day delivery or pickup in Columbia, SC when ordered by 1:00PM. If a special rose color is desired or you need more than one dozen, we kindly ask that you place your order at least 10 business days in advance to ensure availability.

For default arrangements, the designer's choice will guide the creation of your unique bouquet. Confirm your rose color preference in the special request form and let Meadow Edge Blooms craft an unforgettable token of beauty and care for your special moment.

Looking for a unique gift? Our dozen rose bouquet is available as a subscription for 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months. Each delivery can feature the color you choose, or let us surprise you with the freshest roses in stock. This makes a thoughtful, ongoing gift for someone special, with a beautiful bouquet arriving every month.

Available for Columbia, SC delivery or pickup.

Substitution Policy

In certain cases, the image of our arrangement serves as a guide, capturing the essence and style but featuring a unique vase that might not be available for exact duplication.

While the actual arrangement may differ slightly from the image, it will embody the same mood and spirit. Sometimes, due to factors like climate, seasonal changes, and market availability, we might need to replace flowers and/or containers. When such substitutions are necessary for your chosen gift, we commit to maintaining the arrangement's overall style, theme, and color palette, replacing only with items of equal or greater value.

If specific design elements are crucial to your order, please make a note of them in the Special Request Form or reach out to us directly to confirm their availability.

Designer’s Choice Arrangement- Elegant Harmony
from $70.00
Designer’s Choice Arrangement- Pastel Dreams
from $70.00
Clear Glass Gathering Vase
Add $5 more flowers
Warm Smile
from $75.00